Wu Bug Professional 2.4 Free Download
Email: wusoftware.hack@gmail.com ICQ:719596534 Skype: wusoftware.hack@gmail.com please dont contact me for free software. WU is the best. Gav.Western Union Bug Free Downloads, List 1 - Download western union bug softwareBuy your Western union Bug 2009 version. Wu Bug is a software that cracks western union databases and gives. We are professional 24/7 hacker.Wu bug professional 2.4 pirateshacks.com online software.
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Wu Bug 4.2 Download Free
- I Know Most of us enjoy using HackTools For Free, i dont believe hacktools should be 100% for free but real wu bug has
- always been sold for exorbant fee's that we cant pay, so i am here to help like i always have. many know me as the guy who
- gave out codes to lots of hacktools and have been doing this since 2008. today i show you a trick for western union
- database hacker 2012, 2012pro and 2013 versions how to use it without paying any charge... I know its developers have
- stopped giving out trial versions so i will give you my copy.
- here is mine
- Robin Olsen
- 0945-73VPU-R2O4-2013UL
- the activation code always ends with the year 2013 2012 2011 2010 and so on. UL there stands for unlimited licence. my
- code would not work for you cos it has been suspended/blocked but i can easying generate codes for you.
- 0834-62XCV-J5P7-2013LL
- +how did i do it with mathmaticia or with your normal brain you could easily understand the pattern between this two
- codes.
- always begin your code with 0 then 834 or 945 or 156 or 278. it doesn't ave any matching pattern with the name.
- +2nd Line my names together are 10 digits 7+3=10 so 2nd line begins with 73 first must be bigger than the second and it
- can be 64 too it will work. john paul together is 8 digits so i used 62 use VTU should be used if your software has
- wudbhacker12@yahoo.com written on it and if its pro version use VPU . XCV is used if you are activating a software with
- any other email use XPV if its a pro version.
- +3rd Line R is the first letter of my name and O is the first letter of my last name the numbers in between them should
- have a differnce of +2(higher number as the last)
- +4th/Last line is the software version Year and UL or LL at the end i advice you use LL. or if you use UL make sure you
- are using a copy from wudbhacker12@yahoo.com
- Below is the link to download Western Union Database Hacker 2012, 2012pro and 2013 And My Magic Patch.
- Scanned and Clean
- No Surveys
- http://rapidshare.com/files/3859818439/wudbfull20122013.rar