Clean Install Dell Windows 7

  1. Dell Laptop Clean Install Windows 7
  2. Clean Install Dell Windows 7 Iso
  3. Clean Install Dell Windows 7 Laptop
  4. Clean Install Windows 7 Dell Inspiron
  5. Clean Install Windows 7 Pro

Most of the time, a Windows 7 clean install means to remove an existing operating system (like Windows XP, Linux, Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows 8, doesn't matter) and replace it with a fresh or 'clean' installation of Windows 7.

In other words, it's the 'erase everything and start from scratch' process for Windows 7, a procedure referred to as a 'clean install' or sometimes as a 'custom install.' It's the ultimate 'reinstall Windows 7' process.

Dell clean install: Sony Vaio will not allow Windows 7 clean installation: laptop wont wake up on lid open after new install of 8.1 pro: Missing drivers after clean install. Manufacturer's site doesn't have them all for Win 7. Can i do a clean install of windows 7 from widows 8.1 for my laptop?

A clean install is often the best way to solve very serious Windows 7 problems, like a virus infection you can't get rid of completely or maybe some kind of Windows issue that you can't seem to solve with normal troubleshooting.

Performing a clean install of Windows 7 is also usually a better idea than upgrading from an older version of Windows. Since a clean install is a true start over from scratch, you don't risk inheriting any buggy situations from your previous installation.

To be 100 percent clear, this is the right procedure to follow if:

  • you want to erase whatever you have and install Windows 7.
  • you want to reinstall Windows 7.
  • you want to install windows 7 on a new hard drive.

This guide is broken into a total of 34 steps and will walk you through every part of the Windows 7 clean install process. Let's get started...

The steps and screenshots shown in these steps refer specifically to Windows 7 Ultimate edition but will also serve perfectly well as a guide to reinstalling any Windows 7 edition you may have, including Windows 7 Professional or Windows 7 Home Premium.

Microsoft has changed the clean install process for every new Windows release. If you're using Windows 10, 8, Vista, etc., see How Do I Perform a Clean Installation of Windows? for links to specific instructions for your version of Windows.

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Plan Your Windows 7 Clean Install

The most important thing to realize before performing a clean install of Windows 7 is that all of the information on the drive that your current operating system is installed on (probably your C: drive) will be destroyed during this process. That means that if there's anything you want to keep, you should back it up to a disc or another drive prior to beginning this process.

One quick way to back up the list of programs you have on your computer is with the CCleaner tool. It doesn't back up the actual program data but simply a list of what's installed so that you don't have to remember every program name.

You should also locate the Windows 7 product key, a 25-digit alphanumeric code unique to your copy of Windows 7. If you can't locate it, there is a fairly easy way to find the Windows 7 product key code from your existing Windows 7 installation, but this must be done before you reinstall Windows 7.

If Windows originally came preinstalled on your computer (i.e. you did not install it yourself), your product key is probably located on a sticker attached to the side, back, or bottom of your computer's case. This is the product key you should use when installing Windows 7.

When you're absolutely sure sure that everything from your computer that you want to keep is backed up, proceed to the next step. Keep in mind that once you delete all of the information from this drive (as we'll do in a future step), the action is not reversible!

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Boot From the Windows 7 DVD or USB Device

To begin the Windows 7 clean install process, you'll need to boot from the Windows 7 DVD if you're using a Windows 7 DVD, or boot from a USB device if your Windows 7 installation files are located on a flash drive or other external USB drive.

See our Windows Installation FAQ if you have Windows 7 as an ISO image that you need on a flash drive or disc, or a Windows 7 DVD you need on a flash drive.

  1. Restart your computer with the Windows 7 DVD in your optical drive, or with the properly configured Windows 7 USB flash drive plugged in.
  2. Watch for a Press any key to boot from CD or DVD... message similar to the one shown in the screenshot above. If you're booting from a flash drive, the message might be phrased differently, like Press any key to boot from external device....
  3. Press a key to force the computer to boot from the Windows 7 DVD or USB storage device. If you do not press a key, your computer will attempt to boot to the next device in the boot order, which is probably your hard drive. If this happens, chances are your current operating system will boot.

If your existing Windows installation begins to boot or you see a 'No Operating System Found' or 'NTLDR is Missing' error here instead of the screen above, the most probable reason is that your computer is not set up to boot first from the correct source. To correct this problem, you'll need to change the boot order in BIOS to list the CD/DVD/BD drive, or External Device, first.

It's perfectly fine if, instead of the screen above, the Windows 7 setup process begins automatically (see the next step). If this happens, consider this step complete and move on!

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Wait for Windows 7 Installation Files to Load

You don't need to do anything at this point but wait for Windows 7 to finish loading files in preparation for the setup process.

No changes are being made to your computer at this time. Windows 7 is just temporarily 'loading files' into memory for the setup process. You'll be removing everything on your computer as part of the Windows 7 clean install in a future step.

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Wait for Windows 7 Setup to Finish Loading

After the Windows 7 install files are loaded into memory, you'll see the Windows 7 splash screen, indicating that the setup process is about to begin.

You don't need to do anything at this point either.

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Choose Language and Other Preferences

Choose the Language to install, Time and currency format, and Keyboard or input method that you'd like to use in your new Windows 7 installation.

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Select the Install Now Button

Select Install now in the center of the screen, under the Windows 7 logo.

This will officially begin the Windows 7 clean install process.

Do not select the Repair your computer link at the bottom of the window even if you're completing this clean install of Windows 7 as part of some larger repair project for your computer.

The Repair your computer link is used to start a Windows 7 Startup Repair or perform another recovery or repair task from System Recovery Options.

If you're performing a clean install of Windows 7 as a solution to a major problem but have not yet tried a Startup Repair, do that first. It could save you the trouble of completing this clean install process.

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Wait for Windows 7 Setup to Begin

No need to press any keys here–everything is automatic.

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Accept the Windows 7 License Terms

The next screen that appears is a textbox containing the Windows 7 Software License.

Read through the agreement, check the I accept the license terms checkbox under the agreement text, and then select Next to confirm that you agree with the terms.

You should always read 'small print' especially when it comes to operating systems and other software. Most programs, Windows 7 included, have legally binding limits on how many computers the application can be installed on, among other limitations.

You are not breaking any laws or contracts by reinstalling Windows 7 via this clean install. As long as this particular copy of Windows 7 is only being operated on one computer, you're OK.

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Choose the Type of Windows 7 Installation to Complete

In the Which type of installation do you want? window that appears next, you're offered the choice of Upgrade and Custom (advanced).

Even if you are upgrading from a previous operating system to Windows 7, I highly recommend that you do not follow the Upgrade installation. You'll get better performance with less chance of issues if you follow these clean install steps.

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Show the Windows 7 Advanced Drive Options

In this screen, you'll see each partition that Windows 7 recognizes. Since a clean install involves the removal of all operating system related partitions, if they exist, we'll do this now.

If, and only if, you're installing Windows 7 on a new hard drive, which of course does not have an operating system on it to remove, you can skip directly to Step 15!

Windows 7 setup considers partition management as an advanced task, so you'll need to select the Drive options (advanced) link to make those options available.

In the next few steps, you'll delete the partitions containing the operating system you're replacing with Windows 7, be it Windows Vista, Windows XP, a previous installation of Windows 7, etc.

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Delete the Partition Windows Is Installed On

Now that all available drive options are listed, you can delete any operating system related partitions from your existing hard drive(s).

Before continuing, please be aware that deleting a partition will permanently erase all data from that drive. By all data I mean the operating system that's installed, all programs, all data saved by those programs, all music, all video, all documents, etc. that might be on that particular drive.

Highlight the partition you want to delete and then select the Delete link.

Your list of partitions may differ considerably from mine shown above. On my computer, I am performing a clean install of Windows 7 on a computer with a small 30 GB hard drive that has previously had Windows 7 installed.

If you have multiple hard drives and/or multiple partitions on those drive(s), take great care in confirming that you're deleting the correct partition(s). Many people, for example, have second hard drives or partitions that act as backup drives. That's certainly not a drive you want to be deleting.

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Confirm the Partition Deletion

After deleting the partition, Windows 7 setup will prompt you to confirm the deletion.

The message says 'The partition might contain recovery files, system files, or important software from your computer manufacturer. If you delete this partition, any data stored on it will be lost.'

As I spelled out in the last step, please be aware that all the data stored on that drive will be lost. If you have not backed up everything you want to keep, select Cancel, end the Windows 7 clean install process, restart your computer to boot back into whatever operating system you have installed, and back up everything you want to keep.

To be clear: This is the point of no return! There's no reason to be scared, I just want it to be very clear that you can't undo the deletion of the drive you selected after you choose this OK button.

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Delete Other Operating System Related Partitions

If there are any other partitions that need to be deleted, you can do so at this time.

For example, the Windows 7 installation I had on my PC previously created this special 100 MB (very small) partition to store system data in. This is most definitely related to the operating system that I'm trying to completely remove from my computer, so I'll delete this as well.

Highlight the partition and select the Delete link.

As you can see, the partition we deleted in the last step is gone. It may appear like it's still there but if you look closely, you'll see that that same 29.9 GB space is now described as Unallocated Space, not as a partition.

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Confirm Additional Partition Deletions

Just as in Step 12, Windows 7 setup will prompt you to confirm the deletion of this partition.

Just as before, please be aware that all the data stored on this particular drive will be lost.

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Choose a Physical Location to Install Windows 7 On

As you can now see, all the space on the installed hard drive is unallocated. No partitions exist on this computer.

The number of partitions displayed and whether those partitions are unallocated portions of a hard drive, previously partitioned spaces, or previously formatted and blank partitions, will depend on your specific system and which partitions you deleted in the last several steps.

If you're installing Windows 7 on a computer with a single hard drive on which you've just deleted all the partitions from, your screen should look like the one above, aside from your hard drive being a different size.

Choose the appropriate unallocated space to install Windows 7 on and then select Next.

You do not need to manually create a new partition nor are you required to manually format a new partition. Windows 7 Setup will do this automatically.

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Wait While Windows 7 Is Installed

Windows 7 Setup will now install a clean copy of Windows 7 to the location you chose in the previous step. You don't need to do anything here but wait.

This is the most time consuming of any of the 34 steps. Depending on the speed of your computer, this process could take anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes.

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Restart Your Computer

Now that the Windows 7 clean install process is nearly complete, you need to restart your computer.

If you do nothing, your computer will reset automatically after 10 seconds or so. If you'd rather not wait, you can select Restart now at the bottom of the Windows needs to restart to continue screen.

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Wait for Windows 7 Setup to Begin Again

You don't need to do anything here. There are a few more automatic Windows 7 setup steps to come.

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Wait for Windows 7 Setup to Update Registry Settings

Windows 7 Setup is now updating registry settings in preparation for the final stages of the operating system clean install.

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Wait for Windows 7 Setup to Start Services

Wait while Windows 7 Setup starts various necessary services.

This starting of services will occur during every Windows 7 boot as well but you won't see it like this again. Services start in the background during a normal Windows 7 startup.

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Wait for Windows 7 Setup to Complete

This last Windows 7 Setup screen says 'Completing installation' and may take several minutes. All you need to do is wait–everything is automatic.

If the Windows 7 Setup process is complete, why are we only on step 21 of 34?

The remainder of the steps in this clean install process include several easy but important configurations that need to take place before you can use Windows 7.

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Wait for Your PC to Automatically Restart

Wait while the Windows 7 setup process automatically restarts your computer.

Do not restart your computer manually at this point. Windows 7 Setup will restart your PC for you. If you interrupt the setup process by restarting manually, the clean install process may fail. You may then need to start the Windows 7 setup over again from the beginning.

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Wait for Windows 7 to Start

No user intervention is required here.

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Wait for Windows 7 to Prepare Your PC for First Use

Windows 7 Setup is now preparing your computer for 'first use.'

Windows 7 is now loading drivers, checking to make sure everything has been setup properly, removing temporary files, etc.

Remember, this clean install of Windows 7 has completely removed your old operating system. Windows 7 is being installed and configured just as it would on a brand new computer.

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Wait for Windows 7 to Check Your PC's Video Performance

Wait while Windows 7 checks the video performance of your computer.

Windows 7 needs to know how well your video card and related hardware works so it can properly adjust performance options for your computer.

For example, if your video system is too slow, Windows 7 may disable features like Aero Peek, translucent windows, and other graphically intense features of the operating system.

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Choose a User Name and a Computer Name

Windows 7 needs to know what user name you'd like to use and how you'd like your computer to be identified on your local network.

In the Type a user name (for example, John): text box, enter your name. You can enter a single name, your first and last name, or any other identifiable text you like. This is the name you'll be identified by in Windows 7.

You're more than welcome to use the same user name that you used in your old operating system installation.

In the Type a computer name: text box, enter the name you'd like your computer to have when being viewed by other computers on your network.

If it makes sense in your specific situation, I recommend using the same computer name you used in the operating system installation you've deleted as part of this clean install, especially if any other computers on your network connect to resources on your PC.

Otherwise, a good computer name might be Office-PC, Windows-7-Test-PC, Bob-Dell, etc. You get the idea. Anything identifiable that makes sense to you will work.

Select Next when you're done entering both the user name and computer name.

Planning on having more than one user on your computer? Don't worry–you can set up more users inside Windows 7 later.

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Dell Laptop Clean Install Windows 7

Choose a Password to Access Windows 7

Microsoft recommends that you choose a password that will be required when starting Windows 7 before access to your user account will be allowed.

Don't treat this as a recommendation–consider it a requirement.

In the Type a password (recommended): text box, enter a complicated but easy-for-YOU-to-remember password. Retype the same password in the Retype your password: text box.

Type a hint to give yourself in the Type a password hint (required): text box. This hint will display if you enter the wrong password when logging on to Windows 7.

As you can see in the example above, the hint I entered was What is my favorite food?. The password I entered (which you can't see above) was applesauce.

Feel free to use the same password as you used in the operating system you've just removed from your computer as part of this Windows 7 clean install. However, this is as good a time as any to choose a stronger password than you might have used before.

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Enter the Windows 7 Product Key

Enter the product key that came with your retail purchase or legal download of Windows 7. If Windows 7 came as part of your complete computer system, enter the product key you were given as part of that purchase.

If Windows originally came preinstalled on your computer, your product key is probably located on a sticker attached to the side, back, or bottom of your computer's case.

You may be able to avoid entering a product key at this point but you will eventually need to do so in order to continue using Windows 7. I highly advise that you enter your product key here and choose to Automatically activate Windows when I'm online.

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Choose a Windows Update Option

On this Help protect your computer and improve Windows automatically screen, Windows 7 is asking you to choose how you want to automatically install updates from Microsoft's Windows Update service.

I recommend that you choose Install important updates only. This option is the safest because it restricts Windows 7 from doing anything with your data or to your computer automatically except when important security and stability updates are available.

You are more than welcome to choose Use recommended settings but I do not recommend that you choose Ask me later.

These settings can easily be changed within Windows 7 after you're done stepping through these configuration questions.

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Choose the Correct Time Zone, Date, and Time

On the Review your time and date settings screen, choose the correct Time zone, Date, and Time.

The time and date is likely already correct but be sure to verify the time zone and change if necessary.

If your area observes Daylight Saving Time be sure to check that box here.

If the date and/or time of Daylight Saving Time changes, Microsoft will issue an update via Windows Update to change the automatic time change, so don't avoid checking this box assuming that DST changes won't occur correctly.

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Choose a Network Location

In the Select your computer's current location window you see now, Windows 7 is asking where your computer is located at so it can set up the proper network security–tighter security for public areas and lighter for private ones like home and work.

Choose Home network or Work network if that applies to you. Most of you reading this will choose Home network.

Choose Public network if you use a mobile computer and you connect to the internet or other computers away from home. Also, be sure to choose Public network if you access the internet via a mobile broadband network–no matter if you're at home or not.

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Wait for Windows 7 to Connect to the Network

Windows 7 is now connecting your computer to the network.

You don't need to do anything here. Everything is automatic.

If Windows 7 detects another computer on your network running Windows 7 that also has a homegroup set up, you will be prompted to choose what kinds of files you'd like to share on that homegroup and for the homegroup password. You can enter this information or Skip the setup entirely.

I do not show this additional screen in this guide.

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Wait for Windows 7 to Prepare the Desktop

Windows 7 will now put all the 'finishing touches' on your clean installation like adding icons to the desktop, prepare the start menu, etc.

You don't need to do anything here. All of these changes are done automatically in the background.

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Your Windows 7 Clean Install Is Complete!

This completes the final step of your clean install of Windows 7. Congratulations!

If you chose not to enable automatic updates (Step 29), then the first step after installing Windows 7 is to visit Windows Update and install all the important service packs and patches that have been issued since the version of Windows 7 on your DVD was released.

In other words, any service packs and patches installed on your old operating system are obviously no longer installed.

If you did enable automatic updates, Windows 7 will prompt you about any important updates needed.

By Greg Carmack

MS MVP 2010-2016 Expert - Consumer

This is the continuation of my tutorial hosted elsewhere with 1.7 million views on the web. I wish to have it hosted at MS Community now. It will be transferred to a Wiki soon.

A clean reinstall is often better than getting a new computer since most PC's come larded with sponsors' bloatware and duplicate utilities that interfere with much better versions built into Windows 7. For this reason most tech enthusiasts clean reinstall using the Product Key on the COA sticker affixed to machine. This guide compiles everything that works best in tens of thousands of installs we've directly helped with here.


Please read over all steps to be sure you understand them before beginning. Ask back any questions in the Comments section below. For example, it is important enough to understand exactly how drivers are handled in the first mostly driver-complete OS that these steps are printed in red.

To save pages of space I provide blue links to illustrated tutorials instead of illustrating them in-line. You can open these in a new tab using your middle mouse button (scroll wheel) or from the right-click context menu.

Find the right Windows 7 .iso

Microsoft has taken down the Digital River ISO download servers and are only providing ISO's to retail customers. This leaves those who bought a PC with Win7 at the mercy of OEM Tech Support who except for Dell rarely will provide clean Reinstallation media, to borrow a retail copy, or search for a torrent download which can be risky if not checked for add-ins.
If you have a retail copy of Windows 7, then you could try to download an ISO directly from Microsoft at the link below. The link is reported to only work in Internet Explorer.
Microsoft Software Recovery

You can borrow a friend's disk to reinstall, even extract the ISO image file using ImgBurn and then burn a new DVD using ImgBurn at 4x speed, write ISO to 4gb+ flash stick using UltraISO Software To Create Bootable USB Flash Drive, or for UEFI installs use Option One of UEFI Bootable USB Flash Drive - Create in Windows

If you have any doubt about the integrity of the ISO file or are forced to download the ISO from a torrent you can compare the SHA1 signature available freely on the MSDN Downloads page searching Windows 7 ISO, click 'Details' links on correct version. Use a checker like HashTab which adds a HASH calculator to the ISO file Properties tabs. Having these sums match assures ISO integrity and that nothing was added to the file.
If your licensed version is unavailable you can unlock all versions in any ISO by running ei.cfg removal tool or by deleting ei.cfg file from Sources folder on bootable flash stick.Check the HASH first before unlocking the ISO.

I would use 64-bit for 4gb or more RAM, 32-bit (x86) for 3gb or less RAM.
You can slipstream the latest Updates into the installer ISO to save at least an hour's Updating after install using Update 7 installation media. However it may take an hour to do this so consider how much you want this.
Burn ISO to DVD or
to USB flash stick (minimum size of 4GB required)using Windows 7 USB-DVD Download Tool which is sometimes fussy about the ISO, or alternatively to DVD using ImgBurn at 4x speed, to flash stick using UltraISO Software To Create Bootable USB Flash Drive.
For UEFI installs format flash stick with Option One of UEFI Bootable USB Flash Drive - Create in Windows
making sure the settings shown in picture don't jump around after adding the ISO. You have a UEFI install if Disk Management shows an EFI System partition on the hard drive, the BIOS shows UEFI settings and it's Boot menu offers to boot the DVD or a UEFI-formatted flash stick as an EFI device.

Backup your user data

If your files are not organized now is the time to sort them into the User folders for your named User account. ▶ Windows 7 - How to Drag and Drop to Move a Folder - YouTube

For all browsers other than IE which stores Favorites in the User folder of that name, export your bookmarks to Documents now.

Import or export bookmarks - Chrome Help
Export Firefox bookmarks to an HTML file to back up or transfer bookmarks | Firefox Help
If your email is stored on computer, Google how to back up specific mail and account settings to get solutions like How do I import and export email, contacts, and calendars with Windows Live Mail? - Microsoft Windows Help.
Backup Quickbooks 2010+ Company files from where you keep them, the default location User/Public/Documents, or google your version's file location, or run a QB backup to Documents before backing them up.
De-authorize I-Tunes. You can back up your Sticky Notes to keep the one currently on your desktop following Sticky Notes - Backup and Restore.

Then back up your files externally by dragging or copying your named User account or active User folders to another hard drive, external drive, flash stick or disk. ▶ Copying files to an external drive - YouTube

An alternative is to upload files to the cloud using Microsoft OneDrive which offers 15gb free storage for each Outlook/Live ID. Install and use the OneDrive app to drag User folders into OneDrive folder, monitor uploading progress by clicking Cloud icon in System Tray on bottom right end of taskbar. Once files are all uploaded, rightclick the Cloud Icon again to choose Settings and Unlink so that any accidental file deletions are not deleted in the Cloud. Step 7 will pick up with reinstalling OneDrive to recover your files. Remember that any accidental deletions always end up in OneDrive's as well as your PC's Recycle Bin.
For unbootable Windows copy data to another HD or USB device using the Windows 7 disk to Copy & Paste in Windows Recovery Console, free Paragon rescue disk, or a Linux boot disk.

You can Run and print an audit of hardware and software including installed Product Keys using Belarc Advisor. This audit assures you won't lose any paid software keys like Office. Note that the Windows 7 Product Key found by Belarc or another key finder will be an SLP batch key used at factory, if it has not yet been activated from COA sticker Key used for a Clean Reinstall. This SLP batch key cannot be used for reinstall. Methods for backing up Factory SLP Activation if the COA Product Key is not readable are not supported here but can be found on the web.
For unbootable Windows, you can read the installed Product Key and any Office key you don't have backed up using ProduKey - Recover lost product key (CD-Key) of Windows/MS-Office/SQL Server

Save essential system data

If you have a Recovery partition it may not run after clean reinstall. You may want to make your Recovery Disks so you have a path back to factory condition, following the steps given in your PC's setup literature or in the Manual located on the Support Downloads webpage for your model computer. As an alternative to Recovery Disks you can save a Windows 7 Backup Image or more flexible Macrium Image of the entire HD.
You can wait until afterward to see if Recovery or (Diagnostics) Tools partitions will run from boot to decide if you want to delete those partitions and recover the space into C or elsewhere (using Step 3 here). This information may be provided for your brand PC in the Special Notes at the end of this tutorial.
Write down the Product Key from COA sticker located on back or side of PC tower, bottom or under battery of notebook. Make sure you get the characters correct as this is a main cause of activation failure. You can input or Skip the key during install then afterwards activate at Control Panel>System, which may require a quick robocall. But put the key in a safe place so you have it for the life of the PC, which may outlast the sticker's readability.
The COA sticker looks like this:

Manage installed programs

Gather your program installers. For those lacking disks, you may find them on the program's Support Downloads webpage. Favorite pre-installed apps may be found on the Downloads webpage for your model computer or manufacturer-provided Apps Disk. Others may be found by googling. Some pre-installed apps may not be available for clean reinstall - more about this for your brand PC in the Special Notes at end.
You can download clean, safe copies of your licensed Office version to burn to disk (.iso) or run .exe from Microsoft which can be activated with the Product Key you originally bought with it or audited using Belarc from Step 2 above. A good free compatible alternative to Office is OpenOffice - The Free and Open Productivity Suite.
Many of the favorite apps needed and desired for reinstall are available in the terrific app Ninite - Install or Update Multiple Apps at Once. This makes a custom installer you can save which keeps all app installers updated within.
Just in case, save in advance your Wireless or Ethernet LAN (wired) driver in your backup so if it isn't provided during install you can install it to get online quickly to install all Important and Optional Windows Updates - which will also provide most drivers. Your network LAN driver can be found on the Support Downloads webpage for your model PC. The exact make/model will be listed in your Device Manager under Network Adapters.

Install the Windows 7 .iso

Unplug all other HD's and peripherals except ethernet cable to increase chances of it starting up connected after install. If not prompted for wireless key during install it's likely you'll need to install the wireless driver immediately after getting to the desktop, or if ethernet LAN is working wait for wireless driver to come in via Windows Update.

Follow How to Enter Your PC's BIOS, near the storage settings make sure SATA controller setting is AHCI, then under Boot tab set the hard drive first to boot (unless you don't have a BIOS boot menu key in which case you need to set your Installation media device first to boot), Save Settings and Exit. If in doubt about whether you have a UEFI BIOS, comb the settings for UEFI, EFI, CSM, Legacy BIOS, Secure Boot - if none of these are present then you don't have a UEFI BIOS. If you have UEFI, check the PC or mobo's Support downloads webpage for latest firmware to install if necessary now.

Reboot tapping BIOS boot menu key to trigger installation media, as a UEFI/EFI device if you have a UEFI BIOS. Choose Custom Install, then at the 'Where do you want to Install Windows?' screen access the Drive Options (Advanced) to delete all partitions to Unallocated Space, create New and Format as desired, or just click Next to let the Installer auto-create and format needed partitions and begin install.

Whether to use more than one partition depends largely if you want your data in the OS partition, or have it linked from another partition to make C partition backup image smaller - this way if Windows 7 becomes irreparable you can re-image the OS/Programs to C and the data will be current and waiting safely in its own partition.
Due to lack of SP2 Win7 has no USB3 drivers so use a USB2 port for flash install; it may be necessary to disable USB3 controller in BIOS setup for install. If you're prompted for drivers for any other reason during install it almost always means a bad installer, so make sure ISO download completed and create another one.
If you have an UEFI BIOS, or receive an error that Win7 cannot be installed to disk because of its formatting, and cannot overcome the error by deleting all partitions, then you may need to follow the special steps to Install Windows 7 with UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) including if necessary to Create UEFI Bootable USB Flash Drive, or may Bypass UEFI to Install WIn7. Remember to boot installer as UEFI Device. We can help troubleshoot UEFI problems as we do here every day.
Other Steps here to Troubleshoot Windows 7 Installation Failures - Windows 7 Help Forums

Get online to run all Windows Updates

Immediately after install check bottom right System Tray network icon to connect to your network if necessary. If only a TV icon with a red slash appears then open and extract network LAN driver, right click on Setup to Run as Administrator, install LAN driver watching System tray icon to choose network if required. Why can't I connect to a network? - Windows Help
Immediately after getting online install your AV. I suggest using a lightweight free Antivirus like Microsoft Security Essentials or the more aggressive Panda Cloud which perform well with the Windows 7 Firewall. Bloated AV's cause problems with Win7; if you're infected while using MSE I suggest adding inexpensive Malwarebytes Real Time Protection which also work together well.

Next open Windows Update to Check for Updates, select all Important and Optional Updates (except Bing, unless you prefer it) to install. After requested reboots, go back again to Check for Updates until there are no more. These Updates deliver drivers, critical system, hardware and security patches. I would accept them all to be safest, keep Updates set to Automatic and regularly check for Optional to install because often needed Updates are queued there.

If Updates stall or balk check your Start menu's Shutdown button for a '!' signaling there are Updates queued there for install at Shutdown. Perform a Shutdown to install them and then keep an eye on the Shutdown button if further rounds of Updates stall to clear them there first before proceeding to again Check for Updates. Most Update jams can be resolved by several reboots - real problems are one in a million.
Any drivers still missing in Device Manager after all Updates are installed can be found on the Support Downloads webpage for the model PC or device, along with other OEM software which you can wait to see if you need.

I would not replace any drivers given by the installer or Windows Update unless performance problems point to that specific driver. We can help you troubleshoot these issues. If you install a driver and it performs badly you can Roll Back on its Driver tab in Device Manager.
'Standard VGA' Display driver is a placeholder driver which only should be used when no other possible driver will install as it will not allow Sleep or Hibernate. So if Updates don't provide a better driver, import it from the PC model's Support Downloads webpage -
if necessaryeven Vista, or XP driver installed in Compatibility Mode. If this fails check the device maker's Support Downloads webpage to let it scan for the needed download to install.
Unknown Devices are often card reader drivers posted on the model's Support Downloads webpage along with other drivers which may be revealed by a function still missing on the PC such as laptop function keys or keyboard lighting, or can be traced using Device Manager - Finding Unknown Devices - Windows 7 Help Forums

Co-processor, SM Bus controller, USB and Storage controllers are often elements of the chipset. If no chipset is posted on your model's Downloads page, use the Intel Drive Update Utility or AMD Auto-Detect to find your chipset, or ask in our Drivers forum.
You can also trace any missing driver using
Hardware Identification. It's often faster to google the Driver Detail's Hardware ID than to look it up.

I would not re-import any of the OEM software until you run for awhile to know for sure you need it. There may be patches on the PC's Support Downloads webpage needed to improve performance so browse them to be aware what's available as you test performance to decide if they're needed. But keep in mind re-installing OEM bloatware besides that which is absolutely needed for good performance or a specific function you need defeats the purpose of a Clean Reinstall.

Reinstall your programs

Install programs slowly over time to gauge performance changes after each. You can roll back bad effects of a Program install or Update(s) by uninstalling it or using System Restore.
Install your preferred Reader and Flash Player declining the Optional offer. I no longer recommend installing Java unless you know you need it or are prompted to install it to run a program, as it is an infection path.
Don't let programs write themselves into msconfig>Startup as they slow startup, become freeloaders on your RAM/CPU, can spy on you and cause conflicts. No video, sound or other driver software needs to start with Windows 7 unless you know you need special settings on these.
As illustrated in Startup Programs - Change uncheck everything except AV, gadgets (aka 'Sidebar'), Sync program, printer which scans from printer top, and Flash player updater (needed for safety and performance) in msconfig>Startup.
Then after reboot do the same in msconfig>Services after checking the box to 'Hide All MS Services.'
Check back with both lists periodically to see if anything writes itself back in, turn it off in its Program Preferences.
If you have any questions about a listing, Google it to learn what it does or ask us.
However I would not install any Google programs which are relentless spyware. Only use the stable Google search box in your browser and don't stay signed into any Google web apps.
Avoid spyware tracking cookies placing annoying interest ads by periodicallyOpting Out of Network Advertising. This will greatly relieve the banner ads which track your shopping habits and web searches.
The most important thing you can do to avoid spyware creeping in is to watch your program installs like a hawk at every step, because freeware authors have found ingenious ways to sneak in spyware with tricky check box choices - even in the License Agreement. Always do a Custom install and only allow the features you know you want, check later to remove anything extra in Control Panel>Programs and by running a full Malwarebytes and SuperAntiSpyware scan (Step 12) which roots them out as deep as they can go.
Keep an eye also on your Browser Add-Ons or Extensions to only allow the ones you know you want or are required to make a page display correctly, including Flash, Shockwave, WMP or Quicktime plug-in, a reader, Silverlight. Also under Add-Ons monitor Search services to remove any but Google in the stable browser search box, tick the box to disallow any others to replace it.Strange search service are often spyware.
If you're prone to infection add the inexpensive paid real-time protection for Malwarebytes to run alongside a lightweight recommended AV, otherwise use its excellent free scanner as needed.

Recover your user files

Before copying your files into the new install, now would be a good time to download, install (declining trial), update and run a scan on them with Malwarebytes to make sure no infection is being re-imported.
If you backed up to OneDrive, reinstall the OneDrive App, wait for files to download from OneDrive into the OneDrive folder completely, then copy them into User folders, or move the User folders of the new Install into the OneDrive folder to Sync, Backup and Store your Files to the Cloud with OneDrive.
To copy your files into the new install, open the storage folder, open each User folder (Documents, Pictures, etc.). Next from the Organize tab choose Select All, drag the group to the corresponding folder on Explorer bar at left. Wait until the bar stops unfolding and hypertext confirms the precise copy location before releasing the left click.

If this method makes you nervous, right click on the Select All file group to Copy, then open the corresponding target user folder, in an empty space right click to Paste.
Do not copy hidden AppData folders from User Accounts as these are a corruption path- another reason not to use file transfer apps which can also lose files.

If you're using a separate data partition copy your User folders to it, then you can either move the new install's active User folders location to there following User Folders - Change Default Location, or right click each to link it to the related Library - Include a Folder then set it as default for that Library - Set Save Folder - Windows 7 Help Forums. Keep the empty C User folder in each library so you can easily see if something lands there and simply drag it to the linked User folder. If you move the User folders use another Backup Imaging app like Macrium Imagingas the built-in one will want to include the data drive which now holds System files.
A simple free method is here to Sync, Backup and Store your Files to the Cloud with Onedrive - Windows 7 Help Forums that shows how to move your User folders into OneDrive folder on C or data partition for instant backup to the cloud and simultaneous synching across all of your devices using this method.
The User Favorites folder will populate IE Bookmarks. Import another browser's Bookmarks from HTML file backed up previously. Copy Quickbooks and other Program data into it's default folder location.

Activate the OS

Activation at Control Panel>System may in rare cases require a robocall to MS the first time to record your hardware signature in their servers. It will always work as long as you install the correct version and input the key accurately which is a frequent stumbling block - taking a well-lighted phone pic of COA sticker key to enlarge may help.


You can easily configure and share files between PC's on the same network using Homegroup - Create.
On my installs users are most impressed by the spectacular beauty of the collected national editions' 120 Windows 7 Backgrounds slideshow. You can download the folder from Type Personalize in Start search box, choose Windows 7 Aero Theme, from Slide Show link Browse to Pictures Location, Select folder, Select All as a 30 minute random slideshow, Save Changes.
With gadgets no longer being supported due to supposed risk of infection we've never seen, what works better now for millions who love them is to install v.12 or higher of 8GadgetPack which supports Windows 7. It works the same except you'll need to hide the Sidebar. The MSN weather gadget similar to Win7's popular weather gadget can be easily installed to open from the same gadget pack.
When finished, clean and order the HD perfectly using state-of-the-art free CCleaner 'Run Cleaner' button and Registry tab.
Type 'Defrag' into Start Search box to run a Windows defrag and set its schedule to your liking. Never defrag an SSD!
Periodically run the above as well as a full scan with free Malwarebytes and SUPERAntiSpyware on-demand scanners, declining the trial unless you're prone to infection - in which case purchasing MBAM Real Time protection at $29 for life almost always resolves this, when run in tandem with your AV. Always check that you are running the latest version of the scanner and it is fully updated.
Take advantage of the perfectedWindows 7Power Options. Most users only need the Balanced Plan, ideally to Sleep at 30, Hibernate at 45-90, with Hybrid Sleep enabled. Many users prefer Hibernate to Shut Down as it keeps in place your open work and starts up much faster while still powering down. Note that timing out to Sleep without a Hibernate safety net will wear your RAM indefinitely until you come back (vacation? ).
Sleep and hibernation: frequently asked questions
Hibernate Shortcut - Create
After reinstall I always scan the logs to resolve repeat errors, check System Resources, search for Problem solutions, Generate a System Health Report - as shown in these basic Troubleshooting Steps for Windows 7 to bookmark.

Make your first system image

Finally, save a Windows 7 Backup image to external or another internal HD so you never have to reinstall again - just do a System Image Recovery to the HD or it's replacement from booted DVD/Repair CD and the stored image.
I would save at least one baseline image after reinstall to replace needing to do a reinstall in the future. However some users like to have a more current image to choose from in which case I'd save a separate one as often as you want. Win7 imaging will save past images as long as there is enough room on the storage drive for a new image.
Note that built-in Win7 backup imaging is limited to restoring the OS to the exact same partition structure, so if you want a more flexible app try our favorite free Macrium Imaging - Windows 7 Help Forums.Once you load the image and target hard drive, use the links under each existing partition to delete those you're replacing, then just drag your desired partitions to the target drive, note the new link created just below each to use sliders to adjust its size, then click Next using the default settings.

Notes for specific PC makes

Henceforth if required to contact your OEM Tech Support do not tell them you Clean Reinstalled but troubleshoot as if you have the factory install. Otherwise they may refuse to support Clean Reinstall, but cannot void Hardware warranty. If you must ship the unit back for repair under Hardware warranty save a Windows 7 backup image and then run Factory Recovery beforehand.
Special notes for HP owners:
On newer models HP System Recovery may offer a Minimized OS Recovery option. This retains only the OS, Recovery Manager, HP Support Asst, HP Wireless LAN, drivers and activation, and is as close to a clean reinstall as you can get without doing one yourself. I would uninstall HP Wireless to use Win7's superior wireless manager.
If you format and reinstall only to C leaving all other partitions intact, F11 Recovery key should still work later if you need it. The helpful hardware diagnostics also listed on the ESC or F9 boot menu may also run after reinstall, so if they will run now from boot, I would save the small HP Tools partition to see if they remain bootable after install.
Problems with volume control lighting and HP Quick Launch buttons have been dealt with here and here.
Specific HP software which might be worth reimporting is discussed in HP Bloatware, or useful system utilities?
Some HP Recovery disks can have their files extracted to access favorite program installers using Accessing HP Recovery Disc Files.
Special notes for Dell owners:
If your Recovery partition is triggered at boot from the F8 System Recovery Options then it will no longer run after clean reinstall, so make your Recovery disks first, delete Recovery partition during reinstall.
The bootable Dell Diagnostics

often will run after Reinstall so are worth saving if they will boot. Try it now to test your hardware and see if these work, choosing on F12 menu Diagnostics and then Utility Partition which sometimes has a fuller suite. If they run save the Dell Utility partition during install, if not delete all partitions. These tests can also be run online at Dell PC Diagnostics | Dell US

Clean Install Dell Windows 7 Iso

Useful tips for Dell re-installation plus access to their forums to resolve questions can be found at Dell Community . The Dell Reinstallation DVD has only activation and a Dell logo added and can be used as long as it is labeled to include SP1.
Special Note for Sony Vaio Owners:
Software which enables F-key functions and illumination must be reinstalled from the Sony Support Downloads webpage in the order as shown here: Function keys don't work after clean install - Windows 7 Forums
Clean Install Dell Windows 7Special Note for Samsung Owners:
Software which enables F-key functions and illumination may be labeled Easy Display Manager.
Special Note to Acer Owners
There is an OEM Preload folder hidden in the C:/ drive that holds all the pre-loaded software, including the eRecovery software.
Special Note for Lenovo Owners
The only OEM software I've found to be valuable is Power Management's features to preserve battery by maintaining a lesser charge when plugged in, and fan reversal to clean out dust. Download from your model's Support Downloads webpage or Power Manager for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit), Vista (32-bit, 64-bit) - Notebook

Clean Install Dell Windows 7 Laptop

Clean Install Windows 7 Dell Inspiron

Office Word version:

Clean Install Windows 7 Pro