How To Use Latex In Windows

Active1 month ago

I am new to TeX/LaTeX. How do I install TeX on Windows (7)? It seems that there are many different implementations, so which one is best for my OS?


Creating a simple document using LaTeX. Now we're finally ready to write a document in LaTeX. The instructions below will take you through the process of creating a very simple document. Open the TeXworks program. This can probably be found in your Start Menu, Programs, MikTeX 2.9, TeXworks. You might want to make a shortcut to this on the desktop.

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Sai Manoj Kumar YadlapatiSai Manoj Kumar Yadlapati

2 Answers

You can choose between TeX Live and MiKTeX. In practice, it does not make a difference in which distribution you use. Especially if you are new to LaTeX. However, you should take care that you install the full version, with all packages, and not a minimal or base version.

You get MiKTeX from here (choose the 'MiKTeX 2.9 Net Installer') and TeX Live here.


Both install a basic editor (TeXworks). I have the experience from my workshops with students, that they have problems with that editor. I introduced TeXstudio which worked quite well in the lectures.

Matthias PospiechMatthias Pospiech
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Some hints beside the selection of distribution:Don't install it in the programs folder.

You may get problems with the authorization concept of win7.

And important: No spaces in installation path! Some tools will get problems.


How To Use Latex In Windows Xp

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